Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Holy Land Experience - Orlando, Florida.

Greg and Debra took a mini vacation in Florida while the three big kids were at church camp. While we did do one shoot while we were down, it was mostly recreational. We picked one touristy thing while we were down, and choose to go to "The Holy Land" - Its amazingly authentic and really educational. They have a minuature Jerusalem (below) and a tomb (there is Greg pretending to roll away the stone) and many other things. Honestly, the tomb was so realistic that I felt overwhelmed going in.

Greg with "Jesus" and Debra with - well its a white horse - were there alot of white horses in Jeruselum?

The whole jeruselum cast - they have plays and dances and stage shows all day - really incredible worship too - there is nothing like worshiping with people in authentic garb - so powerful.

I hugged Jesus!

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